Everything You Need To Know About Vedic Astrology Readings (and where to get one)
Jyotisha, OR VEDIC ASTROLOGY, is a vast body of knowledge PASSED DOWN to mankind by the Vedic Rishis (sages) OF INDIA LONG, LONG AGO.
According to scholarly research, Jyotisha has been practiced in India for at least the last 5,000 years, while the yogis and elders of India assert that it is much more ancient. Vedic Astrology encompasses not only astronomy but also the interpretation of the movements of the celestial bodies, such as the Sun, the Moon, the planets and the stars as seen from earth. This is what is commonly called astrology.
Using the placement of the planets at the time of birth as a reflection of an individual’s karma, Jyotishis (vedic astrologers) “read” the karmic patterns of each individual and deliver insight into psychological patterns, predict the events that are likely to occur in your life, as well as suggest remedial measures to alleviate difficulties due to karma.
Jyotisha readings are sacred revelations of your karmic records and must be approached with reverence and respect. These sessions can be transformative life experiences and can alter each individual’s vision of themselves and the Divine. They are rare opportunities to get insight into the invisible forces and rhythms that influence your life and provide you the opportunity to shape what is to come in accordance with your highest ideals. Depending on the capacity and skills of each astrologer, they can “see” into various aspects of your karma. As a non-astrologer, it is useful to understand how a Jyotishi can help you. The following 6 types of karmic readings are typically available to you once you encounter a skilled Jyotishi:
General Birth Chart Readings (Janma Patra)
Yearly Chart Readings (Dasha/Bhukti or Vimshottari)
Timing Auspicious Events (Muhurta)
Specific Questions (Prashna)
Elaborate Predictions (Daiva Vidya)
Remedies (Upaya)
- James Kelleher: www.jameskelleher.com
- Penny Farrow: www.vedicchart.com
- Steven Highburger: www.vedictraditions.com