Yogi Superfoods 101: The Healing Benefits of Ghee

Ghee is considered a nectar for yoginis wanting to purify the mind and nourish the body.
For thousands of years Ayurvedic health science has promoted organic ghee, derived from free range cows, for its healing properties, and now modern science also recognizes it as a power food.
Commonly referred to as clarified butter, ghee is made by melting butter and skimming the milk solids and impurities off the top. The hot golden liquid left behind, cools to become creamy solid ghee.
This dietary source of fat was referenced in ancient yogic texts including the Vedas, the oldest written text on our planet today; Ayurvedic Samihitas, Indian traditional medicine text; and the Bhaghavad Gita.
These texts revered ghee in the highest form by identifying it as a staple food in the diet of God and even equating it to God, “Brahman is the ghee” (Bhaghavad Gita:4/24). It is said that Krishna’s unquenchable appetite for ghee as a young child fueled his intellectual powers and spiritual development. To nourish inhabitants of celestial realms, people around the world offer ghee lamps to the gods during ceremonies.
The Amazing Benefits of Ghee
Ghee purifies the mind
Similar to offering ghee in a fire ceremony to increase tapas (heat), consuming it as part of a sattvic diet increases purifying heat in the mind that awakens knowledge and develops intuition.
Ghee promotes flexibility
According to Dr. Vasant Lad, director of the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, N.M., USA, ghee helps to lubricate the connective tissue and promote flexibility. A welcomed friend in any asana practice.
Ghee improves digestion
Ghee is rich in butyrate, a short chain of fatty acid that nourishes the cells of the intestine and heals the gut.
Ghee is rich in vitamins
It is full of fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are critical to bone, brain, heart and immune function. In fact, one tablespoon of ghee can provide approximately 15% of your daily requirements of vitamin A.
Ghee is lactose friendly
Those who are sensitive to dairy can enjoy a buttery taste without the allergies because the milk solids (casein, lactose) and impurities have been removed.
Ghee enhances the skin
When consumed, ghee moisturizes the skin from the inside out, giving you a radiant glow. When rubbed externally, ghee can decrease inflammation and treat burns.
Ghee can fight cancer
Ghee has one of the highest natural contents of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), an antioxidant with anti-cancer properties, if sourced from grass-fed cows.
Add ghee to your diet to enhance your yogic journey. Enjoy the benefits that this nectar has provided since the time of the Vedas.
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