Tips for Living a Yogic Lifestyle
After reading countless books, sitting in lectures with your beloved teachers, and attending yoga classes, you may be ready to take steps to make yoga a part of your everyday lifestyle.
You can implement this newfound knowledge and ways of being into your life in several ways. Start slowly and make small positive changes over a period of time. Go step by step without forcing anything and watch as things naturally fall away. Simplicity is key as you navigate the implementation of ancient yogic teachings into your modern daily life.
Create a routine that will be a source of strength as you develop your inner wisdom and grow on your spiritual path. Read on to take a look at some of the ways you can live a yogic lifestyle to bring balance, harmony, and acceptance into each moment.

FIRST, Set positive intentions!
Work with a sankalpa for some time. When you set an intention, the seed is planted, but you may not see the final results emerge for some time. Choose an intention that is for the higher good of all beings.
Ease your way into a deep sleep
Establish a nighttime routine to set the tone for a good night’s sleep. Instead of running at top speed until the moment your head hits the pillow, start winding down around 8 p.m. Turn off all electronics, avoid stimulating conversations or books, and dim the lights. Take a warm shower or bath to set yourself up for a relaxing night.
Buy an alarm clock so you do not need to have your phone nearby. If you do need to use your phone as an alarm, put it on airplane mode if possible. When you wake up, do your practice before turning on your phone so that you can keep your mind free of outside influences and possible distractions.
Start and finish your day with mediation
Settling into a daily mediation practice is a fantastic way to ease your way into and out of each day. A morning mediation practice helps to energize you and set a positive tone for your day. Meditating before bed helps you to clear and release everything so you can sleep more soundly.
Wake up before sunrise
After you wake up, shower and dress in fresh, clean clothing. When possible, wear white or light-colored clothing. Then do your mediation, yoga, and pranayama practice. Include mantras and spiritual texts.
Purify your body
Follow a pure, healthy vegetarian or vegan diet. Engage in occasional intermittent fasting or periods where you consume only fresh fruit and fruit juice.
Create with your soul
Take time to be creative and let your spirit flow through you. You can be creative in many ways, including painting, drawing, or gardening. Cooking, singing, and crafts of any kind are also options. You may wish to journal or read inspirational texts or poetry.
Spend time alone
Learn to love the time you spend with yourself so you truly enjoy your own company. Spend some time each day alone and in silence. As often as possible, take a break from the outside world to get in touch with your peaceful nature.
Make food with love
Work with positive intentions as you are preparing food. Make sure you are in a good mood since some of this energy will be taken in by the people who eat the food.
Healing herbs
Get in touch with the healing power of herbs. You can take herbs in capsule or tincture form. Or you can use them in food and tea.
Popular ayurvedic herbs include


gotu kola







Hot and cold therapy
Go to a sauna, take a hot shower or bath, or use a heating pad to relieve tension in your body. To cool down and relieve pain, use a cold compress or ice pack on affected areas of your body.
Keep moving
Maintain an asana practice to stay centered. Focus on gentle, relaxing asanas if you want to relieve tension in your body, promote flexibility, and calm your mind. On days you feel sluggish, do a more active sequence. Listen to your body in each moment to decide which asanas will be of most benefit.
When possible, get professional massages. You can also use essential and vegetable oils to do self-massage. When you have muscle soreness, use a muscle rub to alleviate soreness and tension.
Surround yourself with people who inspire you, support you, and uplift you to your highest potential. Find a spiritual community with like-minded people with whom you can meet regularly. You can touch base on your process, share insights, and encourage each other.
From the darkness to the light
Treat yourself with the utmost love and compassion and have faith as you continue along your journey. Learn to love and appreciate the beauty of each moment with the recognition that even though the sailing may not always be smooth, it is guiding you to exactly where you need to be.