Meditation Retreats

bali meditation retreat

Silent Meditation Retreats in Ubud, Bali

Free 7-Day Meditation Retreats*

The noble art of silent meditation is a powerful tool to unlock the highest potential of human life and there is no greater gift to give yourself than spending time in silence and deep reflection to open the doors to your life’s purpose.

Silent meditation allows you to find the answers to life’s deepest questions from within, and helps reveal greater states of clarity, well-being and inner peace.  It purifies the mind and opens the Heart so that you may live with greater wisdom and compassion in each moment of your life. The inner transformation that occurs when you simply allow yourself to completely let go and relax into your natural state is truly incomparable.

If you need to spend some time slowing down, clarifying your purpose in the world, or want to go deep within, these free silent meditation retreats are perfect for you. These retreats are for intermediate students who are interested in the yogic approach to spiritual liberation.  These courses provide a strong foundation in which you can continue a meditation and pranayama practice at home, as well as qualify you to teach meditation to others.

In addition to 3 sessions of meditation daily, our silent meditation retreats also features a gentle hatha yoga class in the morning that may include restorative/yin postures, yoga nidra (conscious sleep) in the afternoon, as well as evening Dharma discourses.

These Bali meditation retreats promise to change your life in ways that you could never have dreamed.  Learning and practicing meditation and pranayama daily is the cornerstone of yoga practices, and should be made a priority in everyone’s life.  The benefits reaped from such practices extend to all facets of life: our relationships, confidence, wisdom, compassion, sincerity, love, respect, creativity and insight.  All of these attributes arise from a source within, and the only way to access it is to remain silent, listen and witness inside as your highest potential reveals itself.

Master Your Body & Mind

Awaken your highest potential with immersive training & advanced body/mind strategies for developing inner peace & radiant health

Expand Your Awareness

Learn the foundations of breath awareness, mantra, and non-dual meditation techniques to go deeper within and develop mindful awareness

Develop Greater Insight

Learn the essential skills you need to practice meditation with complete confidence on your own so you can grow in wisdom and compassion

An Established Global Leader in Meditation & Yoga Training for over 10 years


Over 230 5-Star Reviews on Yoga Alliance, TripAdvisor & Google


Winner of the Prestige Award™ for Bali’s “Yoga Retreat of The Year”


Winner of Bali’s “Yoga School of The Year” Award  from Travel & Hospitality Awards


Thousands of Amazing Students Who Now Practice & Teach Meditation in Over 30 Countries


Our Teachers All Have Legal Documents to Work in Bali


Retreats Never Get Cancelled at the Last-Minute


Silent Meditation Retreats Include:

Meditation Sessions To Help You Develop Inner Peace and Enhance Mindfulness

These sessions are the foundation of the retreats and are a rare opportunity to completely immerse into silent stillness.  A complete method of silent meditation, from the yogic tradition, will be taught and will form the basis of practice.

This technique includes controlled breathing methods to stabilize the mind (pranayama), and 3 root practices to concentrate the mind upon silence:


  1. Breath Awareness
  2. Mantra
  3. Self-Inquiry
Yoga Classes to Energize Your Body/Mind

Suitable for all levels our yoga classes are a fluid sequencing of postures, linked with the breath, to revitalize and rejuvenate both body, mind and spirit.

These energizing and healing classes help the physical body to let go of habitual tension and channel the subtle energy into the spine.

Yoga Nidra to Heal and Release Subconscious Patterns

Yoga Nidra is a powerful, scientific method based on ancient Tantric texts, of complete mental, physical and emotional relaxation.   An invaluable tool for manifestation, letting go of habitual patterns, and connecting to your true nature,  Yoga Nidra releases built up tension, stress and anxiety, providing a perfect tool for the often fast-paced life of the modern world. Yoga Nidra induces the mind to transition from the waking state, through the “hypnagogic” state (between waking and dream), into dream and deep sleep states.

This transition however is not done unconsciously. Using the tool of Yoga Nidra the transition is done with full consciousness and allows the practitioner to access layers of the subconscious mind with clarity and mindfulness.

This allows for the release of many negative patterns in the mind to unravel and ultimately dissolve. This state of heightened awareness, coupled with the equipoise of mind that yoga nidra promotes, ultimately helps elevate us the higher levels of spirituality where inner wisdom and compassion express themselves effortlessly.

Dharma Discourses to Help You Understand the Deeper Dimensions of the Spiritual Path

The daily Dharma talks are an opportunity to live in Yoga, or Union, with the Divine.  Through the 3-fold process of listening to the teachings of the Awakened Ones, reflecting upon these teachings and through an uninterrupted abidance in the present moment, our True Self or Natural State emerges.  This natural liberation is one of the greatest gifts bestowed by Divine Grace upon each one of us when our hearts are pure and an intense longing for liberation arises.

These powerful sessions are a rare opportunity to gain insight into the teachings of the yogis and learn how to apply them into our lives; so we may truly live in Yoga – Divine Union. These “talks” often focus upon clarifying the path, answering questions and resolving doubts, while also transmitting the essence of the teachings by empowering each individual to continually reflect and abide in their own True Self.

"Intensive Meditation Training" Certification Upon Completion

At the end of each retreat, qualifying students will be awarded a certificate of accomplishment.  These certificates are official documents issued by the Blooming Lotus Yoga School to recognize students as having completed a set amount of hours in intensive meditation that can be used to document your training. We issue 3 levels of “Intensive Meditation Training” certification:

Level 1 – 50 hours (upon completion of the 1st retreat)

Level 2 – 50 hours (upon completion of your 2nd retreat)

Level 3 – 50 hours (upon completion of your 3rd retreat)

We also issue a special certificate of “Advanced Meditation Training” for return students that complete 4 or more courses:

Level 4 – 50 hours (4 courses)

Please Note:

1) To qualify for these certificates you must have successfully completed our 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training Courses to have learned the basics of teaching meditation to beginners. 

2) These meditation training certificates are not affiliated with the Yoga Alliance.

3) Certification is dependent upon the teacher’s consent and blessings 


Lily Goncalves – M .Ed & RYT-500

Founder of Blooming Lotus Yoga

Certified Yoga Teacher Bali

For over 20 years Lily has helped thousands of students deepen their practice, find purpose, live healthier and connect to the Divine. With a master’s degree in Counselling Psychology, from the University of B.C. in Canada, and her intensive immersion in the traditional ashrams of South India, Lily bridges the gap between the mystical and spiritual practices of the sages of India, with a grounded, practical and scientific approach to body/mind dynamics.






$0 USD

This course is offered for free*

*To preserve the purity of the teachings, and give you access to the noble yoga tradition in a pristine, commercial-free way, the meditation retreat teachings are given completely free of charge, and all administrative work to facilitate the retreat is done on a volunteer basis. However, you will need to cover the expenses of your accommodations & food.

Accommodations Options

All options include complete 7-day course, meditation manual & pool access

You may choose to stay offsite at your own cost or choose from one of the all-inclusive onsite accommodation options below, which all include 3 delicious meals/day.

Offsite Room


Learn More


  • Arrange your own room at a nearby guesthouse or hotel
  • Arrange your own meals or opt-in to our 7-day meal plan for only $96 USD
  • Arrange your own transportation to the daily classes

No Accommodations
No Food

Course Only

$0 USD

Shared Suite

+ 380 USD

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  • 3 delicious meals/day
  • You will share a suite room with 1 other student that is within a large 3 room villa
  • This villa has its own pool, living room and kitchen to share

All-Inclusive Package

Course | Room | Food

$380 USD

Shared Deluxe

+ 440 USD

Learn More


  • 3 delicious meals/day
  • You will share a deluxe room with 1 other student that is in a large 3 room villa
  • This villa has its own pool, living room and kitchen to share

All-Inclusive Package

Course | Room | Food

$440 USD

Shared Villa

+ 500 USD

Learn More


  • 3 delicious meals/day
  • You will share a 1 room villa with 1 other student
  • This villa has its own pool, living room and kitchen to share


All-Inclusive Package

Course | Room | Food

$500 USD

Where You Will Eat

All on-site accommodation options include 3 meals per day at our vegan restaurant Amrita. 

If you choose to live off-site you can arrange your own meals or opt-in to a 7-day meal plan (for only $96 USD) and enjoy the same 3 vegan meals per day.



5:30 – 6:00 am | Wake-up Bell

6:00 – 6:30 am | Tea/Coffee

6:30 – 8:00 am | Meditation

8:00 – 9:00 am | Breakfast

9:00 – 9:15 am | Free Time

9:15 – 10:30 am | Yoga Class

10:30 – 10:45 am  | Free Time

10:45 – 12:15 pm | Satsang & Meditation

12:15 – 1:15 pm | Lunch

1:15 – 2:30 pm | Free Time

2:30 – 4:30 pm | Yoga Nidra and Meditation

4:30 – 5:00 pm | Tea/Coffee

5:00 – 6:00 pm | Free Time

6:00 – 7:00 pm | Dinner

7:00 – 8:00 pm | Satsang

8:00 – 9:00 pm | Meditation

Retreat Guidelines

Please read carefully, as your consent to meet these conditions is necessary to be accepted into the retreat

Vow of Silence

Each retreat participant will be asked to maintain complete verbal silence for the duration of the retreat. This essential self-discipline is necessary to maintain the integrity of the retreat and to respect fellow meditators. In the event that you break your silence you will be given a few a gentle reminders. If you are not able to maintain silence you will be asked to leave the retreat in order to preserve the silence for the rest of the group*. We ask that you turn off all cell phones as well as all musical devices during the retreat.

*Please note that food/accommodation fees are non-refundable


Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all the classes, unless living off-site.

Vegan Diet

All retreat participants are asked to practice non-violence for the duration of the retreat. 3 healthy, vegan meals will be provided to help maintain this foundation of yogic practices.

Modest Dress Code

We recommend wearing light-colored, loose and comfortable clothing during your retreat.

Abstaining from Intoxicants & Sexual Activity

Retreat participants are asked to refrain from drinking alcohol, smoking, or consuming recreational drugs, due to the possible adverse effects that these substances may have when combined with yogic practices. To conserve the vital life force and derive the most benefit from meditation, we advise that all participants refrain from engaging in sexual activity.

What People Are Saying…

Frequently Asked Questions

I'm a complete beginner - will this retreat be appropriate for me?!

As we receive many applications for the meditation retreats we select students with a long background in both meditation, yoga asana, and in their spiritual path.

The intensity of this retreat requires each participant to immerse themselves in 6-8 hours each day of sitting meditation (up to 1.5 hours per session).  As such, many beginners find it very challenging, and it is not recommended to anyone that cannot sit for at least 30 minutes in one position.

We recommend that complete beginners join one of our Beginner Yoga & Meditation Retreats in Bali, that begin each Sunday.  These retreats are tailored to beginners and teach a simple, easy and complete system of meditation that is perfect for beginners.  If you are a beginner please click here to learn more about our BEGINNERS MEDITATION RETREATS.


What is your lineage, tradition and approach to meditation and spiritual liberation?!

Our teachings originate from the Vedas and the ancient wisdom tradition of the yogis of India.  Specifically, we teach Shri Vidya, which is an integrative and holistic approach to human evolution that emphasises the cultivation of Wisdom (Jnana Yoga), while using the means of Devotion (Bhakti Yoga) and Self-Discipline (Raja Yoga) as adjuncts to purify the mind and prepare it for enlightenment (Atma Sakshat Kara).

Our approach of Shri Vidya Maha Yoga emphasizes the non-dual teachings (Advaita Vedanta) of the great sages of our tradition like Ramana Maharshi, Adi Shankara and Amma Shri Karunamayi. Our approach is that ultimately you are the embodiment of Spirit in form and to discover this is to let go of all that which is clouding the remembrance of your true nature. This entails purification of the thought patterns, emotions, memories and samsakaras (imprints) through techniques and practices. Pure Awareness is the principle mode we advise for letting go into this natural state of yoga.  This is an act of surrendering and letting go of all illusions, attachments, and aversions to what Is.  It is the deepest self-acceptance of one’s own self and consequently of all that is.  This is pure love, pure bliss, and pure consciousness. 

Do you offer retreats on any other dates than what is listed on your website?

Sorry, the dates you see here are the only ones available, and the website is updated regularly.

Can I start whenever I want?

Because our retreats are in such high demand, we give preference to students who can be with us and the group for the duration of the programs.  However, if you need to arrive on any other day please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate you 🙂

Is there internet/WIFI available?

We highly encourage you to turn off all devices and enjoy a “digital detox” during the entire duration of the retreat so you may go deeper. However, there is free wifi available in each villa that can be used for essential communications.

I'd like to stay on-site. How do I secure my space?

For those staying on-site  (6 nights in a shared room), a non-refundable deposit of $215 USD is due upon acceptance into the retreat and can be paid through an online credit card payment .  The remaining amount will be due on the first day of the retreat and can be paid in cash (USD) or by credit card (in Rupiah).

What is your cancellation & refund policy?

In the wake of the Corona Virus, we have a risk-free, 100% refund policy.  In the event of cancellation due to health, flights, or govt. related policies, you can transfer to another course within the next 3 years or ask for a full refund. 

If I choose the offsite room how do I get to classes?

Living offsite requires that you commute to the daily classes and is ideal for residents of Bali or anyone that is comfortable driving a scooter or can arrange a driver. 

Are meals included? Where do we eat?

For those staying on-site the accommodation fee also includes a delicious vegan breakfast, lunch and dinner each day of the retreat.

A Light Breakfast before the morning class consists of seasonal fresh fruits with granola, coconut yogurt, and honey to keep the body and mind clear and full of energy.

Lunch and dinners are a set menu of various international cuisines from Thailand, Indonesia, Mexico, India, Greece, Vietnam, Italy, and America, expertly cooked by our chefs.

For those staying off-site you may choose to eat at home or for only $96 USD you may enjoy these same 3 meals per day.

We try to source as much local, sustainable, and organic foods as possible for our menu.

How about special diet requests?
All meals are organic & vegan and we are able to accommodate low-gluten diets and peanut allergies. However, as all meals are set for the entire group we cannot cater to any other special request, preference or allergy.
How are people paired in shared rooms?

All onsite accommodations are for 2 people per room.  We place women with women, and men with men, UNLESS you register for 2 people which feel comfortable together in close quarters (such as a partners or friends). This allows for maximum harmony.

As our courses are primarily filled with women, for any given retreat we cannot guarantee that we will have 2 men that wish to stay in the same room type. As such, we request all single men that wish to register for our course to do the following:

  1. Register with a friend ?
  2. Choose the shared villa option to guarantee your space
  3. Choose the off-site room option
  4. Contact us to see if we have a shared suite or shared deluxe available or be placed on a waitlist
What are the check-in & check-out times?

On the 1st day of the retreat, you can check-in between 2-4 pm. There is a group dinner at 5 pm followed by an orientation session at 6 pm.

On the final day of the retreat, the course ends at 8 am after the final meditation session. Check-out is anytime between 8 am – 12 noon.

Questions?! Feel Free to Contact Us…

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